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With various creatures, mythos and folklore weaved together into one, it's not uncommon to find yourself lost on who or what they are! But don't worry, in this grand tour over the realm, you'll learn everything you need to know about each nation within Naestrirea. So, ready to take your own grand flight? 



Featured in the Secret of Tarot novels: A Celestial Acceptance and The Sins of Serpent.

While [Sosuke's] decisions were made in the best interests of Mutsushina, it also created significant divide between the zenko and nogitsune clans.

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MUTSUSHINA is a country located in the eastern region of Naestrirea. It is a highly elevated nation. The air is crisp and cool. It can snow here, but they typically use a shield to prevent snow from hitting their village because it can be difficult to generate foxfire in the cold. There are lush forests on the edges of Mutsushina. They have a high abundance of herbs that can induce and treat amnesia. These are heavily guarded by various kitsune due to the detrimental effects they impose.

There are four towns: Tawara, Matsunai, Kikotoro, and Shirakawa. The Blossoming Fox Clan reside in Shirakawa, the Wicked Fox Demon Clan live in Matsunai, and the Holy Fox Clan are in Tawara. The capital of Mutsushina is Kikotoro.

The only creatures who inhabit this area are kitsune, which are also referred to as fox spirits. There are three kinds of kitsune that reside in this region: zenko, nogitsune, and tenko. The main language that is spoken are English and Japanese. The lore behind Mutsushina is inspired by Japanese and Chinese mythology.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


MUTSUSHINA WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS OF LIGHT, Meihui, and the first kitsune she created, Inari, in 100 BC. Although Meihui had a hand in the creation of the kitsune, the fox spirits worship Inari. From this, three clans were created. The zenko (fox spirits who have not yet achieved Celestial status), the nogitsune (fox demons), and the tenko (Celestial nine-tailed foxes). Members of the zenko clan may cultivate their abilities and complete an examination in order to be considered a new member of the Tenko, or divine clan.

In 100-200 AC, the kitsune were branded as demons and ostracized from the rest of the realm. While some were killed for the magic in their tails, most individuals killed them with the belief that they didn't have the right to walk the lands, and with equal rights nonetheless. During this time, Hirayama Sosuke, a Celestial nogitsune, was the ruling alpha who made decisions on behalf of all kitsune. While his decisions were made in the best interests of Mutsushina, it also created significant divide between the zenko and nogitsune clans.

In 199 AC, Sosuke wanted to find a way to cement the kitsune presence in the realm and ensure their safety. As a result, he began experimenting with forbidden magic. He was successful in dividing a nine-tailed fox into two beings: a female nogitsune (Tui) and a male zenko (Jin). Together, they were known as Jintui.


UNFORTUNATELY, ENGAGING IN FORBIDDEN MAGIC, and disrupting the balance, broke the laws of the realms. When this was discovered, the Seven Virtues casted a spell on Sosuke to bind his powers, leaving him blind and trapped in a fox form. But his punishment was seen as an opportunity for the Seven Vices to rid themselves of the Light Court and Sosuke (who had amassed so much power). The vices took fragments of the Seven Virtues and trapped them in his soul, rendering them useless to the rise of the Fallen.

Shortly after Sosuke was removed from power, Jintui took control of the government, and the kitsune weren't too happy about their new leader. Multiple uprisings and assassination attempts were made against Jintui to remove them. But it wasn't until later that they were removed by Azusa, a Celestial, after a successful coup.


Laws that all must follow within Mutsushina. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Light


Kitsune Goddess



Holy Fox Empress



Holy Fox Clan Head


Wicked Fox Demon Clan Head


Blossoming Fox Clan Head



In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Held by the Holy Fox Empress, Azusa. Changes the fortune of someone, but cannot alter one's living status or the contractor's fortune. 

Side Effects: Greater the change, greater the consequences.


➺ Magical tea leaves

➺ Shapeshifting (fox to human)

➺ Flight

➺ Gift of Sight (limited to holy fox empress)

➺ Foxfire

➺ Reincarnation (if their spiritual root remains intact)

➺ Teleportation

➺ Illusion magic

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➺ The government is ran by a tenko, a celestial kitsune, by the name of Azusa. Because kitsune can live for thousands of years, the rule doesn't change as often. However, if Azusa were to perish, the next kitsune to reign Mutsushina would be one of the zenko. Each clan takes turns holding office within their government to prevent civil war. The best candidate is selected by their peers.

➺ All kitsune dislike humans because they believe that humans only corrupt and bring destruction.

➺ Mutsushina is a matriarchal society, meaning it's more common for women to be in power.



Featured in the Secret of Tarot novel: A Celestial Requiem.

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OTEARIA is a country located in the southwestern region of Naestrirea, and is part of the Isles of Calypso. The climate in the Isles of Calypso is neutral and changes along with the four seasons. However, in Otearia, it is warm like spring. Temperatures can get as high as 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but do not fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Otearia is where nymphs of the land live, which include dryads (forest spirits), alseids (grove spirits), anthusae (flower spirits), hamadryads (tree spirits), napaeae (glen spirits), and oriade (mountain spirits). The main language that is spoken is English, though there are some Greek influences within their culture as well. The lore behind Otearia is inspired by Greek mythology.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


OTEARIA WAS CREATED BY THE SORCERESS/GODDESS, CALYPSO, in 1 BC, as a safe haven for all nymphs. It was meant to be a place protected from deities as they were often the victims of their affections. There is a protective barrier enclosing the Isles, meant to lure eligible mates to allow the nymphs to reproduce.


Laws that all must follow within Otearia. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Sorceress Goddess


God of Rain

Yuzan (known as Zeus in their culture)


Anthusae Tribe


Oriade Tribe


Dryad Tribe





In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Held by Miyarene and Otearia council members. Manipulates emotions.

Side Effects: Psychopathy and Paranoia


➺ On the first day of the new season, all nymphs travel to meet up at Calypso, the Place of Gathering. This is the time when nymphs may select mates as well as a time to reconnect with the Council to discuss issues or concerns.


The first and last few days of The Gathering is spent dancing and giving thanks to the Spring, Wind, and Water deities respectively. Mate selection may only occur during the times of dance.

➺Have a limited economy to ward off outsiders. Everything is created with assistances from nature.


Bonded to Miyarene and Otearia's lands. Lures only those with darkness in their hearts or easily swayed. Yaoguai sometimes lured here, causing many deaths.

Side Effects: Corruption of the soul


➺ Plant Growth

➺ Animal Communication

➺ Healing Potions and Antidotes

➺ Environmental Manipulation (includes control over animals and plants)

➺ Nature Spirit Conjurings

➺ Natural Empathy

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Featured in the Secret of Tarot novel: A Celestial Atonement.

With this connection, the valkyrie are considered descendants of the Tiger because of their ferocious and resilient nature, as seen in Freya herself.

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SHALIZAR is a country located in the eastern region of Naestrirea. Its name means "just". The name was chosen for the valkyrie who live in this area. The valkyrie are winged women who are winged warriors, typically female but there are also male valkyrie, known as the Einherjar, who dedicate their life to ensuring the balance between life and death. They can open portals between the two realms, see spirits, and assign a fate to the spirits they come into contact with. They do not harness any magical ability, but they do have enhanced strength and the ability to fly. They are also well-trained in various forms of combat.

There are also trolls in Shalizar. These are old, slow-moving creatures that like to feast on human flesh. It is meant to keep humans out so that they do not interfere with the valkyrie’s duties or the portals between the land of the living and the netherworld.

The climate in Shalizar varies based on the region. In Asjávegr and Sofávegr, the weather is similar to spring-time so it's fairly warm and rains often. However, in Dysheimer and Ovidia, where most spirits with bad karma end up, the temperatures are similar to Xesal with their wintery tundra. 

There are three towns in Shalizar. Asjávegr is where most of the valkyrie live and it's where important decisions are made by the Commander and Council. Sofávegr is similar to the concept of the Elysian Fields in that it is a peaceful paradise where one would never want anything ever again. Ovidia is an abandoned prison that is mostly inhabited by members of the Dark Court who use it as their personal torturing grounds. Dysheimer is a town where spirits go to cleanse their mind and spirit of memories from their past to allow them to move on after they decide whether to become a protector or retire to Sofávegr. Spirits who have chosen to become protectors of the Realm are trained in this city as well. The main language that is spoken is English, though there are some Scandinavian influences within their culture as well. The lore behind Aeyaviel is inspired by Norse mythology.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


SHALIZAR WAS CREATED BY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL CREATION DEITIES, FREYA, in 0 BC. Its purpose and its peoples was to protect the balance between life and death. People believe that Freya was the first valkyrie and her true form is the tiger of the Chinese Zodiac. With this connection, the valkyrie are considered descendants of the Tiger because of their ferocious and resilient nature, as seen in Freya herself. However, all has not been well in Shalizar's history, as a protector of balance can become imbalanced, too. 

Shalizar was tormented by a vengeful, powerful valkyrie known as Hymir. When he was alive, he was known as a deceitful, manipulative, murderous man, who at one point, ruled Shalizar with an iron fist. Hymir also found an odd interest in murdering many people just for the sheer pleasure of it. But, after a brutal battle, he was executed and brought to justice. 


With the tyrant gone, precautionary measures were taken to ensure that a repeat of these events would never happen again. The patrols increased and more trolls were put at watching posts. There was also an increase in aerial patrols by the angels. The rowan plant, a useful and key item in the battle, was planted and harvested so that there would be many on hand to prevent or remove the threat of future spiritual possessions should Hymir decide to rise once again to reclaim his throne.


Laws that all must follow within Shalizar. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Creation



The Commander




Valdis (Entrapment)

First Battalion: Valkyrie

Ylva (Wrath), Eir (Fraud)

Herja (Heresy), Kára (Lust)

Second Battalion: Einherjar

Mist (Violence)Skuld (Treachery)

Vidar (Gluttony)Fritjof (Greed)


In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Held by Valkyrie Commander. Controls the spirits of the fallen and leads them to Asjávegr for judgment. (Position rotates every century due to side effects.)

Side Effects: Drains life essence. 


Held by Council of the Valkyrie. Peers into a spirit and determines if they're guilty, or if they can be redeemed. 

Side Effects: Judges its users and imposes a punishment based on how they use this Tarot.


➺ They are a private species but often work together with the Aeyavielans. Only two individuals from Shalizar have a seat in the Light Court.

➺ It is considered a place of rebirth, modeled after the mythical Valhalla. Those who have died in battle are brought here by the valkyrie. It's also a peaceful place, where one can decide what they want to do with their newfound life.


Typically, the valkyrie eases the recently revived person back into life, getting them used to the sensation of being alive once again. 

➺ Trolls guard the entrances and exits to Shalizar to make sure that there will not be unnecessary casualties.

➺ The army represents one of nine levels of Hell from Dante's Inferno, which is a reflection on a soul's committed sin.


➺ Flight

➺ Ability to wield blessed weapons

➺ Ability to communicate with the dead

➺ Portal creation

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Vale of Aestreria

Featured in the Secret of Tarot novel: A Celestial Atonement.

Featured in the Fairy Guardian Fa Ying novels: Rebirth of the Celestial Princess, Rise of the Dark Court and Return of the Serpent.

As gemstones are a crucial element within the vale, the strongest major and minor gemstones, are within the hands of fair guardians known as the Gemstone Guardians.

Vale of Aestreria Emblem_Graphic.png

THE VALE OF AESTRERIA is a country located in the northeastern region of Naestrirea. Its name consists of two parts, each representing a vital element of the nation. "Vale" means "valley" and "Aestreria" means "asterism" in Greek. An asterism is a star-shaped concentration of reflected or refracted light from a gemstone. In the Vale, their magic is tied to gemstones, which are fueled by the moon.


Their main towns are Crystalgrove and Silvermeadow. However, Silvermeadow is where all fairies reside. Crystalgrove is the source of their power. The only creatures who inhabit this area are fairies, winged creatures who are capable of shrinking to the size of a butterfly. The main language that is spoken is English, though there are some Germanic and Thai influences within their culture as well. The lore behind the Vale of Aestreria is inspired by Germanic mythology and Thai mythology.

They are a relatively private nation and similarly to the Isles of Calypso, they are enshrouded in a protective barrier. Any wandering visitor would be trapped in an endless maze if they tried to enter if they have malicious intent. For those who become lost, they will find themselves back on the border with Auzineia.

The environment is filled with lush greenery and flowers as well as caves where they harvest various gemstones which fuel their powers. The weather is usually clear and sunny and is at a perfect temperature for the fairies.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


THE VALE OF AESTRERIA WAS CREATED BY MEIHUI, GODDESS OF LIGHT, in 1 BC for all fairies. There is a protective barrier enclosing the Vale, meant to keep outsiders from coming in. Because the Vale contains pure light magic, it makes it a target for individuals who have darkness in their hearts. As gemstones are crucial element within the vale, the strongest major and minor gemstones, are within the hands of fair guardians known as the Gemstone Guardians.


The Twelve major gemstones include garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, emerald, pearl, ruby, peridot, sapphire, opal, topaz, turquoise; and, as for the two strongest minor gemstones, they are bloodstone and moonstone. The Gemstone Guardians use their power to protect the nation and purify the lands as needed. Every century, this mantle is passed down to a new set of fairy guardians who carry on those values.


Laws that all must follow within the Vale of Aestreria. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Light



Fairy Queen



Gemstone Guardians



In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Held by the Fairy Queen, Celestia. Like a compass, can lead them to the person, location or object they desire the most.


Side Effects: Listlessness and corruption of the heart.


Members of the Gemstone Guardians (the Fairy Army) are equipped with The Rings. Allows environmental manipulation of non-supernatural affected areas. 


Can only be used for one hour since it requires huge amounts of energy.


➺ Every fairy is given a familiar, which is assigned based on compatibility by the goddess, Meihui. These familiars can be sylphs (air spirit), undines (water spirit), salamanders (fire spirit), and gnome (earth spirit). And they are as small as butterflies.

➺ Every fairy has the ability to communicate telepathically with their familiar.

➺ The successor to the throne is determined based on who has the strongest light magic and the brightest heart.

➺ Celestia holds a significant meaning for the fairies, as it represents their highest power, the Queen. When it's time for the Queen to hand over her reign to her successor, they will take on the name 'Celestia' and the former queen will regain her name prior to her coronation.

➺ The concept of the Gemstone Guardians is inspired by Sailor Moon and Winx Club.


➺ Animal Communication

➺ Healing Potions and Antidotes

➺ Gemstone Affinity

➺ Flight

➺ Ability to create portals

➺ Environmental Manipulation (includes control over animals and plants)

➺ Fairy Dust

➺ Empathy

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Featured in the Secret of Tarot novels: A Celestial Redemption and Broken Bonds.

❝Wonchaek was created as a crossing of people from different cultures and species who could meet and trade whatever items they had available.

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WONCHAEK is a country located in the eastern region of Naestrirea. There are three main ports, Sarinan, Haechaek, and Yangsu where individuals are expected to check in with the Controller before they are offered passage into the main town of Yeoseong.


Wonchaek has a rainforest climate and is typically humid. Temperatures can get up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The main language that is spoken is English, though there are some Korean influences within their culture as well. The lore behind Wonchaek is inspired by Thai, Japanese, Korean, Celtic, and Germanic mythology and Hungarian folklore.

Selkie pods inhabit the waters surrounding Wonchaek. Selkie are seal shapeshifters. A selkie typically appears like any other human in their human form, but they struggle with walking on human legs. They can enter a half-shifted form, which is similar to merfolk, where the bottom half is that of a seal’s and the top half is human. 

Their true forms are seals. They communicate telepathically and possess a cloak that has tremendous magic power. The cloak protects the wearer from the ocean’s elements, but it also has the ability to grant any wish. If a selkie removes their cloak when they leave land, they will feel the pull of the ocean. Thus, if they put on the cloak again, they will lose their memories.

Kelpie herds have found solace in Wonchaek's lakes and ponds. Kelpie are water horses. A kelpie typically appears like any other human in their human form. Their true forms are water horses. They typically create their own realm that can only be entered with the help of blood magic. The blood of a kelpie is capable of healing any injury or illness. However, the price of blood magic is steep and its price tends to be equal to the request.

Other creatures that live in Wonchaek include the morgen (a female water spirit who drowns men. They are typically mermaids whose hearts have blackened with envy, greed, or regret. They possess the same abilities as ordinary merfolk, but are known to be extremely temperamental); water sprites (fairy-like creature with an affinity for water); kappas (frog and turtle-like creatures that don't possess magical powers); chollima (winged horses who fly great distances and are usually hard to find); noppera-bō (faceless demons who work alongside other demons to steal others’ faces); vampires (creatures that feast on blood to fuel their immortality and usually have zombie-like appearances and work alongside other demons); mermaids, and aquatic animal spirits.

Wonchaek is powered by the Controller, a naga-makara known as Kukrit Kittithorn. A naga-makara is half-crocodile, half-snake creature. They are anthropomorphic creatures. They don’t possess magical powers, but have enhanced strength, hearing, and smell. Their eyesight tends to be worse than average.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


IN 1 BC, MEIHUI, GODDESS OF LIGHT, AND YUZAN, GOD OF RAIN, CREATED WONCHAEK. The nation was created as a crossing of people from different cultures and species who could meet and trade whatever items they had available. It is guarded by Balor, the former god of death. Various beings, from dragons to fairies, may be found here. For instance, ​several selkie pods (similar to wolf packs) inhabit the surrounding waters and a large kelpie herd has found solace in Wonchaek's lakes and ponds. There are other aquatic creatures like the morgen, water sprites, kappas, chollima, and aquatic animal spirits.


Laws that all must follow within Wonchaek. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Light


God of Rain


God of the Seas



The Controller

Kittithorn Kukrit




In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Grants shapeshifting abilities. Contractor can adopt various features, such as physical or personality, of another. However, their scent remains unchanged.  

Side Effects: Loss of Identity; Deterioration of mind, body and soul.

Varies. Different and multiple kinds of magic and spells are used in this nation.


➺ Wonchaek typically exports fine fabrics, food, and rare artifacts (like kelpie's blood, chollima feathers, etc.). As for other commodities, such as rice and various teas, they are exported to other nations all over Naestrirea, excluding Auzineia, via ships or avian envoys.

➺ There is a female-only inn ran by a morgen in Yeoseong.

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Featured in the Secret of Tarot novels: A Celestial RequiemA Celestial Redemption, A Celestial Atonement,

A Celestial Acceptance, Dance of the Dragons, The Sins of the SerpentBroken Bonds, and Ceosal Kingdom Tales.

Wuzhen was peaceful and prosperous for the following centuries, especially through 1400 AC to 1600 AC which was considered the Age of the Dragons.

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WUZHEN is a country located in the western region of Naestrirea. There are five districts in Wuzhen. Shangzihua is where humans, and demons live amongst one another. Humans were the first to roam the Realm of Naestrirea and were not created by Meihui or the Goddess of Darkness, Hena. They were created by Castimonia, the Goddess of Morality, in the hopes that they would serve as moral compasses for the mythical creatures that would roam the lands of Naestrirea.


The Mainlands are where the Celestial and fire dragon sects reside. To the northwest of the center of the Mainlands, lies the district of Xianyang. Rivers snake through the territory, leading to numerous lakes and ponds, but most importantly, the Suzihua Sea. This is a comfortable home for the water dragon sect.

To the southeast of the Mainlands lies Hanghua. The lands of these areas were made slightly elevated so that dragons in their human form could touch the sky. These dragons gained their strength from the clear winds. Within these lands are the air dragon sect.

In the northeast lies Zhenyuan, the home of earth dragon sect. The grounds are rough and lined with jagged rocks, which makes the land extremely comfortable to the dragons that like to blend in with the terrain. This area was relatively destroyed during the Great War.

Other places include Húlí Falls, a waterfall near Shangzihua, where kitsune refugees were displaced during the third century. The Forbidden Forest is exclusively demon territory and is linked to Shangzihua. Demons are referred to as yaoguai, which are demons who dedicate their lives to searching for the next meal that will bring them divinity or immortality. These demons love feasting on Celestial creatures because they believe it allows them to ascend into godhood.

Wuzhen is where most dragons are. A dragon that has not yet hatched is referred to as a hatchling. A young dragon who has hatched but not reached maturity is a wyrmling. Dragons are creatures who are able to shift between a human form and that of a dragon. They don’t possess magical powers, but have great strength and can generate powerful flames. The color of the flame depends on what sect the dragon belongs to.

Dragons have two consciousnesses, human and dragon. They are able to communicate with their dragon as though it’s another being, but sometimes it is difficult to fight against their dragon’s desires.

A member of the Imperial Family is capable of communicating with other dragons telepathically. However, they typically forge these telepathic connections with members of the Imperial Army, their mate, and other servants in the Imperial Palace.

A dragon typically appears like any other human in their human form. However, stressful situations can cause their dragon to emerge in different ways: (1) their eyes may develop gold flecks (if Celestial) or glow (if belonging to another sect); (2) an outward transformation may begin; or (3) they begin acting irrationally.

The first shift is painful for a dragon as it’s the process of breaking and moving bones around to complete the transformation. The color of a dragon’s scales is indicative of whatever sect that dragon belongs to.

Wuzhen is a tropical country and is typically humid. At nightfall, the temperature drops considerably to a chilling 40 degrees Fahrenheit. During the day, temperatures can get up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures can be very irksome to humans who are more vulnerable to the weather.

The main language that is spoken here is Chinese, though there are some Japanese influences within their culture as well. The lore behind Wuzhen is inspired by Chinese mythology.


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


THE GODDESS OF LIGHT, AND MOTHER OF ALL DRAGONS, MEIHUI, CREATED WUZHEN in 1 BC. She knew that the dragons needed a home and so she created Wuzhen as a place of solace for them. It's believed that Meihui’s true form is a Celestial dragon and that she is the great dragon of the Chinese Zodiac, which is why she is considered their matron. The dragon population began with ten adult dragons, a male and female from each sect: Shuǐ (Water), Huǒ (Fire), Tǔ (Earth), Kōng (Air), and Tiān (Celestial). Meihui hoped that they would reproduce and increase the dragon population, allowing the lands to prosper, and cement their place in the realm. 

However, the dragons were instinctual. They refused to bring children into the world unless they knew that they would be safe and secure. Furthermore, a leader would be needed to direct their budding empire to nation respected by all. A fight of dominance for the throne ensured, but it was quickly understood that the Celestial sect held the most power. The purity in their flames transcended a dragon's normal flame, and alongside that, they also carried a part of Meihui's essence within their souls.


After the battle of dominance, Celestial Dragons, Zhihao and Xiuying, became Wuzhen's First Emperor and Empress in 1 AC. And while they resided over Wuzhen, the country was separated into four distinct territories where each sect could make their home, and have their respective sect leaders. 


EMPEROR ZHIHAO AND EMPRESS XIUYING RULED from 1 AC. until 678 AC. During this time, the dragons were a symbol of Meihui, both divine and wise. The crown passed onto their firstborn, Zhelan who ruled from the end of 678 AC. until 1128 AC. Former Emperor Zhihao and his mate passed in 720 AC. Wuzhen was peaceful and prosperous for the following centuries, especially through 1400 AC to 1600 AC which was considered the Age of the Dragons. Its population was at its peak and dragons were revered as the kings of the skies. They were feared for their strength and agility, but also respected for their noble, diplomatic nature.

Towards early 1600 AC, uprisings within the nation of Auzineia began. The Elemental Mages became displeased with how strong the dragons were and ultimately let their fear take control of their decisions. The Elemental Mages were concerned that the dragons would eventually strike down all of the weaker beings with the powerful tarot cards they possessed, so they decided to take matters into their own hands.


MANY DRAGONS WERE EXPLOITED AND KILLED during the period of 1600 - 1800, which later came to be known as the Great Dragon War. The war only ended when Emperor Fang Xun used the fourth contract with the Major Arcana, The Emperor. However, the tarot is known to tear apart its user, thrusting them into a state of chaos and insanity, or even worse fates than death. Despite needing the tarot to win the war, it costed Fang Xun his sanity throughout the rest of his reign. 

After the Great Dragon War, the Imperial Family allocated their limited resources to search for remaining dragons in other regions, in order to bring them safely home to Wuzhen. Unfortunately, for most of their search, they only found the bones of the fallen dragons, leaving them at a dead end, desperate for hope and revival to their people.


PRIOR TO THE DISCOVERY OF  THE LAST CELESTIAL DRAGON, Shen Mingxia, in Shangzihua, the Fang household implemented new laws and policies to ensure the security and safety of Wuzhen's people. The humans were kept out of the affairs of mythical creature affairs but as a result, were terribly mistreated which led to a significant amount of bitterness between the two races.


Laws that all must follow within Wuzhen. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Light



Dragon Emperor

Fang Liwei

Dragon Empress

Fang Mingxia

(nee Shen)


Imperial Guard



In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



Contractor can command anyone to do their bidding. The stronger the command, the more spiritual energy required. (Used every six months to avoid consequences.)

Side Effects: Paranoia and Hallcinations. 


Members of the Imperial Guard are equipped with The Wands. Allows fire manipulation unless it's supernaturally influenced.


Can only be used for one hour since it requires huge amounts of energy.


Contractor can create any existing object. Must be a realistic and known object within the time period. Can also take the form of animals, plants (accelerates growth, too) or inanimate objects. Cannot be a human being. 

Side Effects: Age Acceleration and Disintegration of the Self


➺ One of Wuzhen's well known traditions is Remembrance Day. It's the day where lanterns are lit and released into the air. The sky is lit with various colors as dragons light the lanterns with their unique flames.

➺ Wuzhen was the first nation to have an openly gay couple as rulers (The Sins of the Serpent).

➺ Wuzhen was the first nation to employ a female for their envoy (Broken Bonds).

➺ Wuzhen’s creation was inspired by Southern Song Dynasty (for Books 1-4) and Tang Dynasty (Book 0.5). And the medicinal practices described are derived from traditional Chinese medicine, including herbology and acupuncture.

➺ Mingxia’s character was inspired by Wera’s younger brother and her experiences growing up as a mixed girl in a predominantly white environment.

➺ Wuzhen is inspired by the real place located in Zhejiang Province, China.


➺ Flight

➺ Telepathic Communication

➺ Fire Breath

➺ Shapeshifting

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Featured in the Secret of Tarot novels: A Celestial Acceptance.

Once, there were ten great Demon Lords, with five of them representing one of the Five Poisons to enlightenment, who plagued Naestrirea.

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XESAL is a country located in the southwestern region of Naestrirea. The environment is cold and icy. Temperatures can reach -40 degrees F and it usually doesn't exceed freezing temperatures. However, rarely it rains from time to time.

A majority of Xesal's population consists of spirits, such as banshees, and demons. The spirits are capable of possessing anyone who has not taken the preventative herb, rowan. Spirits are manipulative and will do anything it takes to possibly get a living body in their possession, even if they can't get their original body. Its capital, Spirit Meadow, is where several hundred yaoguai are forced to live after they have been cast out from Shangzihua. 


In this section, you'll look through various, useful information about the nation such as location, origins, creatures and the novels it's featured in. Please note that for some novels listed they may not be available on the site at the time of viewing. 


XESAL WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS OF DARKNESS, HENA, in 1 BC, as a way to showcase her power to her sister. No one knows when the spirits began to inhabit Xesal, but many believe that when they were alive, they were banished for committing violent crimes. Individuals that were believed to be suffering from depression and had suicidal tendencies were sent here as well. To some countries, taking one's own life is the same as killing another.

Once, there were ten great Demon Lords, with five of them representing one of the Five Poisons to enlightenment, who plagued Naestrirea. Fu Yi, the Scorpion Demoness, represented attachment. Her desire for divinity overshadowed everything to the point that the only thing she focused on was satiating her hunger for Celestial energy. And it was because of that hunger she was imprisoned in the coldest, deepest dungeon of Xesal.

Then there was Tian Ju, the Spider Demoness, who embodied pride. Similar to Fu Yi, she was sealed away due to her dangerous hunger for Celestial energy. However, these desires for something greater were mainly influenced by feelings of entitlement. There were several legends stating Tian Ju used to be a Spider Fairy who became corrupted by Hena before her test to ascend to a deity position.

The third was the Black Wind Demon, he was meant to be aversion. All his actions were fueled by anger and hatred. Everywhere he went, a dark cloud of miasma and e gui followed, a mass dense enough to take a significant amount of time to dissipate even with the most powerful purification spells and blessed items.

Jealousy was personified through Koi, a bloodsucking ghost who sought life. No one knew where he came from, he just appeared in Naestrirea without warning, draining blood from his victims. Some people said he once sought immortality and he managed to accomplish this feat, but he lost his soul in the process. Envious of humans especially, he started hunting them.

Lastly, there was Phi Tai Hong, the Demon Lord of Ignorance. It wasn’t really a person, more so an essence. It possessed any spirit passing from the living to the dead, if they experienced a sudden death. Whenever the spirit began to regain its memory of its former life, Phi Tai Hong would move to another host.


Laws that all must follow within Xesal. 



Notable rulers, worshipped deities and military personnel.


Goddess of Darkness



Demon Lords

Fu Yi (Scorpion Demoness, Attachment)

Tian Ju (Spider Demoness, Pride)

Black Wind Demon (Aversion)

Koi (Bloodsucking Demon, Jealousy)

Phi Tai Hong (Ignorance)

Krasue (Wrath)

Mae Nak (Sorrow)

Yuki (Snow Woman Demon, Listlessness)

Kaji (Fire Demon, Greed)

Min-Ji (Fox Demon, Betrayal)




In this section, learn some interesting trivia about the nation! From what tarot they hold to fun facts, you're bound to find something unique to each one. 



It is not a card that can be manipulated by anyone. This card chooses its owner and it has chosen Xesal.


Side effects: Effective throughout Xesal; terrorizes the mentality of the spirits. What the spirits see varies from individual to individual.

Varies. Different and multiple kinds of magic and spells are used in this nation.


➺ They don't have a government. Whoever is the strongest being typically gets the final say in the prisons.

➺ To be here is considered the ultimate punishment. If an individual has been cast away to this place as punishment, they cannot leave. Whether they leave is up to the Tarot to decide whether they have repented for their sins.

➺ Xesal includes a variety of creatures from different Asian mythologies.

➺ It is rumored that the skeletal demoness, Baigujing, is the only creature who managed to escape Xesal.

➺ Demon Lords, Yuki and Kaji are polar opposites. Yuki is a snow demon, but Kaji is a a fire demon who employs onibi (will o' wisps). Both are from Japanese mythology.

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